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HTB Topology

Topology is an easy linux box featuring a web server with a vulnerable virtual host susceptible to LaTeX injection. This LaTeX injection allowed me to access and read files on the server, leading to the discovery of SSH login credentials. Lastly, I exploited a misconfiguration along with the functionality of gnuplot to execute system commands as the root user.

Htb Gofer

Gofer is a hard linux box, I discovered a HTTP proxy vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery. Utilizing this SSRF vulnerability, I sent a phishing email through the internal SMTP server via the gopher protocol, embedding a malicious macro that activates upon document opening. Next, I obtained user credentials from a background process linked to the proxy. Finally, I found a vulnerability in the ’notes’ binary, exploiting a use-after-free vulnerability associated with a dangling pointer.

HTB Jupiter

Jupiter is a medium HTB box where I began by exploiting a supposed feature in Grafana to execute commands and gain an initial foothold. After establishing a foothold, I took advantage of configuration issues within a script executed by the Shadow Simulator via a cron job. Then, I discovered Jupyter server tokens in log files and leveraged them to execute commands within a Jupyter notebook. Finally, I exploited a customized version of arftracksat, a satellite tracking system, with the ability to run as the root user, elevating my privileges on the system.

HTB Snoopy

Snoopy is a Hard Linux box where I start by exploiting a file read vulnerability on the primary site, which allowed me to access BIND DNS config files and the rndc key. With this access, I could update DNS records for the mail server. With control over the mail server, I reset a user’s password to access a Mattermost site. During server provisioning, I set up a honeypot to capture SSH credentials. Once inside the server, I exploited a Git apply command vulnerability, enabling me to write to files outside the working copy. Finally, I leveraged an XXE vulnerability in ClamAV’s DMG parser to read root’s SSH keys.

HTB OnlyForYou

OnlyForYou is a Medium Linux box that requires source code analysis. The vhost has a file read vulnerability caused by the os.path.join() function, enabling access to the source code of another virtual host. This, in turn, exposes a command injection vulnerability by bypassing the regex. Additionally, an internal site is susceptible to cipher injection, which allows exfiltrating user hashes. Root escalation involves exploiting pip download using a malicious Python package