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HTB Zipping

Zipping is a medium-difficulty Linux box hosting a PHP web application with a vulnerable file upload function. This function is susceptible to a file read exploit involving zip archives. By exploiting this flaw, I was able to obtain the application’s source code, revealing a SQL injection vulnerability. I leveraged this vulnerability to write a webshell on the system. Additionally, I discovered that the user rektsu has sudo privileges over a binary, and misconfigurations in shared library objects can be exploited to gain root privileges.


HTB Authority

Authority is a medium Windows AD box. I discovered Ansible playbooks in a publicly accessible share, containing encrypted variables that, once cracked, provided credentials for the PWM configuration manager. With PWM in config mode, I could make changes without authentication, allowing the capture of clear text LDAP credentials for subsequent WinRM authentication. I also discovered ADCS and a vulnerable certificate template (ESC1). Although I successfully exploited the vulnerability, Kerberos limitations prevented authentication with the generated certificate. To bypass this I used pass-the-cert attack to gain access as Administrator.

HTB Sandworm

Sandworm is a medium linux box featuring a website with functionality for PGP operations, one of which is vulnerable to SSTI and leads to a restricted shell. Within the firejail environment, I discovered user credentials allowing me to pivot to a SSH shell. Next, I hijacked a cargo crate for command execution to get an unrestricted shell as the previous user. Finally, I exploit a vulnerable version of firejail to root privileges.

HTB Jupiter

Jupiter is a medium HTB box where I began by exploiting a supposed feature in Grafana to execute commands and gain an initial foothold. After establishing a foothold, I took advantage of configuration issues within a script executed by the Shadow Simulator via a cron job. Then, I discovered Jupyter server tokens in log files and leveraged them to execute commands within a Jupyter notebook. Finally, I exploited a customized version of arftracksat, a satellite tracking system, with the ability to run as the root user, elevating my privileges on the system.