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HTB Snoopy

Snoopy is a Hard Linux box where I start by exploiting a file read vulnerability on the primary site, which allowed me to access BIND DNS config files and the rndc key. With this access, I could update DNS records for the mail server. With control over the mail server, I reset a user’s password to access a Mattermost site. During server provisioning, I set up a honeypot to capture SSH credentials. Once inside the server, I exploited a Git apply command vulnerability, enabling me to write to files outside the working copy. Finally, I leveraged an XXE vulnerability in ClamAV’s DMG parser to read root’s SSH keys.

HTB MonitorsTwo

MonitorsTwo is an Easy Linux box that involves exploiting an outdated version of Cacti. This exploit allows to gain a shell within a Docker container. The container also hosts a MariaDB database that stores user credentials, which are reused for SSH access. Finally, to escalate privileges to root a vulnerability in the Docker engine is exploited.

HTB OnlyForYou

OnlyForYou is a Medium Linux box that requires source code analysis. The vhost has a file read vulnerability caused by the os.path.join() function, enabling access to the source code of another virtual host. This, in turn, exposes a command injection vulnerability by bypassing the regex. Additionally, an internal site is susceptible to cipher injection, which allows exfiltrating user hashes. Root escalation involves exploiting pip download using a malicious Python package